Please read this heart wrenching story . But sadly Dr Manjula says she hears such stories 20 times every week.
Here the young lady describes his pathological jealousy and extreme possessiveness that arises from a need for extreme control. So much trauma- her anguish can be described as “POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER”.
This is a mind state where the victims re live the verbal and physical abuse in vivid flashbacks of memory and nightmares with much anxiety and depression or they can go into state of emotional numbness. The right therapy and medications can bring this agony to an end within months of starting treatment – no one has to suffer for years.
Please get the right help, stay safe, go to Police at 000, your safety ensured go to your GP, get the treatment for your mental health. Mental health treatment is essential for full recovery.
ACHRH is running public education sessions – with elderly citizens on two aspects of domestic violence — elder abuse and abuse against daughter-in-laws; domestic violence in every community and how gender inequality starts with bringing up children, which sets the scene for future domestic violence. Read the whole story here.